The Qur’an’s Lack of Truth: Part 5

In part 4 of this series, I mentioned the Islamic teaching of “tanzih” or rather, Allah’s “ultra-transcendence” whereby NOTHING in our human experience can explain him. In mentioning this, I stated that if this were true, then the Qur’an cannot be what it claims to be, a positive revelation of Allah and hence, it is self…

Islam’s Use of Bart Ehrman

Keith Thompson from Answering Islam has put together a nice little piece titled; “Bart Ehrman: A Hero for Islam?” In this article, Thompson addresses the Islamic use of Bart Ehrman (the Muslims will often use Ehrman’s books as a source to claim New Testament manuscript corruption), and then turns the tables and uses Bart Ehrman…

The Qur’an’s Lack of Truth: Part 4

When those of the Islamic faith attack the Tri-unity of the Christian God-head, in essence, he or she attacks the whole of human experience. This many seem at first like a nonsensical and unfounded claim, but, it is worthy to consider nonetheless. The argument is as follows: the Christian Triune God of the Scriptures is…

The Qur’an’s Lack of Truth: Part 3

One of the most often used arguments against the Christian position by those of the Islamic faith is found in the New Testament documents themselves. The lynch-pin of the Islamic argument is that Jesus is not God or the God-man, the second person of the Trinity. Rather, Islam declares that Jesus was simply a prophet of…

The Qur’an’s Lack of Truth: Part 2

On our last visit into the world and religion of Islam, I pointed out that the Qur’an does not have a proper understanding of the Trinity as believed, taught and understood for 2000 years (or 600 years at the time of the penning of the Qur’an). Rather than describing the Biblical and orthodox understanding of…

Is the Military Action Against Libya Justified by God?

Note: Please forgive the text formatting bugs that I have run into on this post. I can’t seem to get it corrected… Very few, even in our Christian church often give deep thought into the many military operations that the United States involves itself in. One of the major reasons for this is because church…

The Qur’an’s Lack of Truth: Part 1

As I glance through the Qur’an this evening, I am reminded just how valuable the Bible is in regards to truth. I continue to be amazed when I deal with false religions and cults, in that there is a glaring inconsistency in both their worldview and their founding documents. Consider this statement made in the…