1 Cor. 6:9 and the Homosexual

The other day, my wife facilitated a woman’s book study at our local church. When she got home, she was telling me about one of the lines of discussion, which was on the topic of homosexuality. During this discussion with me, she mentioned that we (the church) should not be tolerant of the homosexual lifestyle.…

Well Said Dr. White: Harold Camping Carries on the Lie

Dr. James White had this to say in response to Harold Camping’s public statements on his failed prophecy Harold Camping: Unrepentant False Prophet Refuses to Stop Dragging Christ’s Name Through the Mud 05/23/2011 – James White When someone has been given over for decades to false teaching and arrogant spiritual dictatorship over others, well…we shouldn’t…

Harold Camping to Speak Tonight

Harold Camping will be speaking tonight on Family Radio about his failed “Rapture” and “end days” prediction. His “Open Forum” broadcast begins at 8:30 pm (EST) and can be found here. This should be interesting. It is my prayer that Camping fully repents of his unorthodox views and calls for his followers to return to…

May 22 Reflections on Harold Camping

As I reflect back upon the days which led up to Harold Camping’s prophetic announcement and the day of the “day of judgment” itself, I can’t help but to feel sorry for Camping and his followers. Granted, we must all take personal responsibility for our actions. However, I fully know that if it were not for the grace of…

We’re All Still Here, Mr. Camping!!!

6 pm has come and gone and I’m still here and no one has been raptured…and so, the saga of May 21 comes to a close. I am really interested in tuning into Family Radio tonight, in hope that Camping will be doing a live show. However, I seriously doubt this, considering the circumstances. The…

Harold Camping and the End of a Cult

Well, we’re on the eve of the Camping prediction and the internet is abuzz. Those at family radio have posted this warning to all; So, how is this all going to go down? Will Camping retract his statements with only hours left before the “day of judgment?” Or, will he stick with the stated date…